Chestatee sophomore Riley Seau for being chosen as one of the Jackson EMC 2025 Washington Youth Tour Delegates! Riley will get an all-expense paid trip to Washington, DC this summer and have the chance to learn about American History, the cooperative business model, meet delegates from Georgia, develop his leadership skills, and tour DC.

According to Jackson EMC, “since 1964, the nation’s electric cooperatives have sent student delegates to Washington, D.C. for the annual Youth Tour, organized by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) and sponsored statewide by the Georgia Electric Membership Corporation. Student delegates gain a personal understanding of American history and their role as a citizen. Jackson EMC began sending delegates in 1971. As Georgia’s oldest leadership program for teens, the Washington Youth Tour teaches high school students about U.S. history, government and the importance of public service.”

Way to go Riley!

Dear Parents,

As we continuously seek to improve the Hall County School District, we want to know how you, as a parent or guardian, feel the schools and the district are doing to meet the needs of students and all stakeholders.  Please help us by completing the survey online.

Your opinions and suggestions are valuable, and we thank you for your input. 

Queridos padres/tutores,

Debido a que buscamos continuamente mejorar el Distrito Escolar del Condado de Hall, queremos saber cómo usted, como padre o tutor, siente que las escuelas y el distrito están trabajando para satisfacer las necesidades de los estudiantes y todos los miembros de la comunidad. Ayúdenos con este proceso completando la encuesta en línea.

Sus opiniones y sugerencias son muy valiosas, y le agradecemos su aporte.